Gomatagiri Tirth

Gomatagiri Tirth

Gommatagiri in an anceint Jain Heritage Centre near Mysore famous.Statue of 16 feet high Sri Gommateshwara situated at the top of a hill called Shravana Gudda.The standing snakes with their hoods om either side of the statue are very attractive and unique of the Gommata sculptors seen in India

Discovery of the Idol

The idol remained unknown till about 1948. However, in 1948 when C.B.M.Chandraiah a businessman from Mysore was on a treck around this region he discovered the hillock covered with shrubs, trees and creepers. One exploring further he found Bahubali idol in the midst of the shrubs. He got it cleaned up and constructed a small enclosure around the idol in the present form.